Q & A

  • Matching Bare Wood to a Finished Floor

    What is the best way to blend the unfinished flooring with the finished? Would using a handheld belt sander be a satisfactory way to attack the problem?

  • A Protective Coating Over Tung Oil

    I am making two kitchen tables: one out of red oak, the other out of hard maple. I want the natural wood look with low gloss, so I plan on rubbing in quite a few coats of tung oil finish.

  • Anti-Freeze for Green Wood

    A few years back, I read an article in a woodworking magazine where anti-freeze was used to cure green wood. I can’t remember the procedure. Do you know anything about this?

  • Non-Standard Miter Cuts

    If I needed a 90 degree angle, I would cut two 45s, so with a 110 degree angle, I need to cut two 55s but my miter only allows up to a 45 degree cut. So how do I make this cut?

  • Router or Shaper

    I found several small shapers in the 1 to 1-1/2 hp range priced about the same as heavy-duty routers. Are these small shapers suitable for panel raising?

  • Attaching a Mantel

    I have been asked to mount a mantle on a rough fieldstone fireplace. There is no obvious place to fasten it. The shelf will have two right angle brackets set to keep it from tilting down. Any better ideas?

  • Stuck Latch Pin Handle

    More recent radial arm saws have additional locking mechanisms, but they are fairly obvious. Sears has not been of any help so far. Any suggestions?

  • Typewriter Ribbon Water Stain

    I’ve noticed that certain “stains” penetrate deeper, e.g., a rusty water stain. Any idea why these stains penetrate deeper than solvent or other waterbased stains?

  • Wood Losing Color

    The ever-present “Sunlight is making my wood lose it’s color!” complaint is addressed here by Michael Dresdner, with some new concepts and ideas to consider.

  • European-style Arts and Crafts Bookcase

    Book Learning for Woodworking?

    What can I do to really get serious about woodworking? Online courses? Or is there a book with true illustrations and all the steps included?