As that old adage goes, there’s no time like the present, and it certainly applies to woodworking. Our new October issue can help you get an early start on holiday gift-making or even create a convenient foldaway bed for company to come. And if you’ve been putting off making a crosscut sled — one of the handiest jigs for any table saw — we offer plans to make that a reality right now. Let us help you enjoy every minute of your shop time this fall!
Hideaway Bed: Create-A-Bed hardware from Rockler can turn an underused wall space into an easy-to-build and use twin-size bed. We’ll walk you through the construction process.
Bottle Stoppers: Let your creativity shine when you turn scraps into these simple, attractive gifts for wine lovers in your life.
Versatile Crosscut Sled: A.J. Hamler shows how to super-tune any table saw’s crosscutting accuracy with this must-have jig. It can be modified easily to fit any saw brand or model.
Slatted Trivet: Blow the dust off of that dado blade, because you’re going to put it to good use making this attractive kitchen helper. It’s bound to come in handy at the dinner table this holiday season.
Shop Talk: Master woodworker, teacher and longtime contributor Ian Kirby celebrates a milestone birthday. Our publisher shares Ian’s rich history with the magazine.
Woodturning: You’re never too old to spin a top, and Ernie Conover shows how to turn two dandies, complete with the launching devices that will make the most of their kinetic potential.
Skill Builder: Part five of our six-part series discusses woodworking’s crown jewel of joints — the attractive and durable dovetail.
Power Tool Fundamentals: Want to make arrow-straight cuts with a circular saw? Your best bet is a dedicated track saw, but several aftermarket accessories can make even your budget-priced saw a better performer.
Tool Preview: Here’s a sneak peek of SawStop’s new 10″ portable, lightweight CTS Compact Table Saw, available from Rockler.
Hardworking Hardware: Butt hinges are timeless options for hanging all manner of lids and doors. This article will teach you how to install them with hand tools in 12 easy steps.