Happy New Year!

And so 2017 begins … all new, full of opportunities.

I am not a person who creates resolutions for the New Year — at least, not exactly. (For those who do, I think it is a fine practice; setting goals is a great thing.) For me, I like to take some time to daydream a bit, and imagine what I’d like to do in the next year and how I can make that happen … and then just barge ahead with renewed energy. The difference between setting goals and setting a direction forward may be subtle … but for me the difference is this: I totally expect to get sidetracked and, in those divergences and roads less traveled, to add spice and excitement to my day-to-day experience.

So here’s to a wonderful, peaceful, joyful, successful and productive New Year — full of love and good works.

All the best from me and all of us here at Woodworker’s Journal.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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