As a young woodworker, my designs sometimes outstripped my skills, which helped me to grow as I learned more about the craft. Another challenge with my “out of the box” ideas was getting hardware that suited my needs. The usual industrial supply shops were pretty lame in their selection. But there was a place I could go that solved almost all of my problems, a store on Lyndale Avenue in Minneapolis called The Woodworker’s Store (later to become Rockler Woodworking and Hardware). That shop saved my bacon more times than I can count.
A short while ago, I saw a wooden gun case I’d built (from hickory and cherry): it had Brusso® hinges, specialty keyed locks, a groovy handle and fancy inlay strips — all purchased at that shop. My son now owns the gun and the fancy case, but it brought back fond memories.
Fond memories, by the way, are what Rockler is looking for people to share at their website. They’re in search of stories, like mine above, which share the ways that Rockler has helped you create memories with your woodworking. Sixty years is a long time to be serving woodworkers, so I am thinking there are some great tales out there. Why don’t you share yours? I would love to hear them.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal