Do you find it’s a rare occasion when you can make perfect handcut dovetails? An Aussie invention featuring rare earth magnets promises to help.
Jeff Snell’s AngleMag jig is a disk-shaped saw guide assembly that latches on to your dovetail saw. Three clamps fasten the jig to your workpiece so that the saw is directly above the cut line. Then, you use an angle selector to align the saw guide to match the angle of your pins and tails. When you have the jig in place, your saw is in perfect position relative to your layout lines, and you’re ready to cut with your handsaw to the exact depth you want for your tail or pin.
The main shaft of the jig assembly can be mounted in a reverse direction, so it’s feasible for either right- or left-handed use and, when you rotate the shaft 180° but leave the saw guide in position, you’re automatically set up to cut the opposite side of your pins and tails.
The AngleMag works with Western style back saws or Japanese saws, but dovetail saws with rigid backs are more difficult.
You can use the AngleMag (the instruction manual will tell you how) for cutting through, half-blind and lapped dovetails; as well as finger, comb, biscuit and mortise and tenon joints. It sells for $124 through www.japanwoodworker.com.