Weekly Editorial

  • Wow, Did You Say 300?

    As of today, the Woodworker’s Journal eZine has sent out 300 issues to you and the rest of those who make up the eZine faithful. In terms of Internet time, the eZine has been around since dinosaurs ruled the ether. (Perhaps you remember that in my original editorial photo, I was wearing a sabre-toothed tiger-skin shirt with bone-framed glasses.)

  • Old Dog, New Tricks

    Last week, I learned how to use a CNC router. As a bit of an old-time computer geek (I was an early adopter on both the Commodore 64 and Atari 800s – eight-bit computers were the bomb), I was confident that I would eventually get the hang of it, and sure that it would be a rocky path at the beginning.

  • OK … We Just Can’t Help Ourselves

    As most of you have determined by now, for the last couple of days, these web pages have been occupied by the 2012 April Fool’s edition of the eZine. Humor is, of course, highly subjective, and some of you have higher standards than yours truly – and find our annual attempt at hilarity, well, a trial.

  • Heating Up in the Shop

    Last Sunday, it was as warm here in Minnesota as is the average high temperature for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on March 18th. There are green things growing in my yard right now that should have a couple of feet of snow covering them. I might need to break out the lawn mower two months early! It’s just weird.

  • What is Woodworking?

    Have you ever stopped to consider the scope of what a person could mean when they say simply, “I am a woodworker”? Back in the day, when almost everything was made from wood, we had names for the people who made products in a variety of categories: cooper, wheelwright, luthier, bodger, woodcarver, patternmaker, carpenter (who seemed to build anything and everything), and there were many more.

  • Gramps Comes Through!

    A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was on a mission to get my very first project done for my, at that point in time, soon-to-be-born grandchild. The project was a youth-sized dresser with some Art Deco design accents.

  • Find Me in the Shop

    Football season is (mercifully, for Vikings fans like yours truly) over for the year. Hunting season is likewise on hiatus. And while, in my neck of the woods, you can still fish right now, it means standing on top of the water and drilling holes — which is just not for me.

  • Keep it Moving!

    As you click through the pages of the eZine this time out, you may notice a theme of sorts. Wooden bicycles and carved motorcycles — transportation hits the woodshop. For me, transportation in the shop has a more plebeian orientation: I put everything I can in my shop on wheels.

  • Starting Them With Style

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about my impending grandparenthood. The day draws ever closer, and I have decided upon the first woodworking project to embark upon for the progeny of my progeny: I am building her a dresser.

  • Sharing in Something Substantial

    I’ve been fortunate in my professional life to have worked on some pretty cool things. My name is attached to “how-to” books that helped improve people’s homes and gardens. Woodworker’s Journal has won many awards while I have been on the masthead and I was an instrumental partner in developing this eZine – which was a successful and groundbreaking effort in so many ways. But this last summer and fall I was involved in creating a series of woodworking DVDs that I am exceptionally proud of.