Trailing Trailer Finish Questions
Last time, the eZine Q&A section answered a reader question about some finish problems on a teardrop trailer. The reader who asked the question appreciated the answers. – Editor
“I recently sent in a question that was answered in eZine issue 272. I would like to thank both Chris Marshall and Tim Inman for their responses to my questions. Just shortly before receiving this issue of the eZine, I sanded the existing finish off and removed most of the stain. Then I stained and refinished the panel again.
“To answer a few of the questions they asked in their reply: Chris asked about the cracking near the top and along the side. The wood was cracked along the top, and along the side it was the edge of the side panel. I wasn’t happy about having to use this piece of plywood: it was the last piece to be cut and I was “against the wall” with a deadline to have the trailer finished. One question Tim asked was whether the wood was washed or cleaned before staining? It was wiped down with mineral spirits before staining, after sanding. Also, Tim made the comment about the use of silicone on the finish. The silicone was to be applied under the trim strips and around screw holes. The trim was in place to hold roofing sheet down. There will be no silicone directly touching the finished wood. The trim should allow water to drop below the top edge of the finish. In not sealing the trim strip on this side of the trailer, it allowed water to seep under the top edge of the finish. I also stained and finished a bit higher under the roofing materials to keep this from happening again.” – Jim Sholtis
It’s Still April…
The rest of our feedback for eZine Issue 272 focused strongly on the feedback for the previous issue, as well as Rob’s apologetic editorial – the reactions to our April 1 April Fool’s edition. – Editor
“If people are so silly they didn’t check the calendar and ‘expect’ a little tomfoolery, then poo to them! Where is their funny bone? Where is their sense of fun? They take themselves way too seriously then they need to be a little peeved – at themselves! Geez! I, for one, LOVE the yearly ‘fun’ eZine! I look forward to them to see just what you came up with this time around.” – Vicki Gordon
“Sophomoric? Aren’t you kind to you. Since when are there sophomores in 7th grade? Gee, did I miss the humor in the meltdown in Japan and the killing in Libya? Tell me again about the humor in government tyranny. Do you live in a pink bubble? You should write for [teen pop singer] Rebecca Black, fun fun fun fun, party! It would be really funny if you wore a dress and put on your makeup as you are growing up, girl. By the way, go back to the kitchen with your mommy and tell her your funny jokes, I don’t want you to get hurt out here in the shop.” – Not a girl, Samuel Petty
“It never ceases to amaze me at how many people out there are so willing to remove all doubt of their ignorance by writing an angry email without having any true clue of what they are writing about. I always look forward to the issue and also realize that trying to come up with a parody issue in this day and age of total idiocy and worry about hurting peoples’ feelings must be one of the harder issues to get written each year.” – Frank McEnulty
“Good job, Rob. I was one of those who fell for it and wrote you; thanks for letting me know you got me. In this age of government control mandates, it’s not that hard to believe some agency would do exactly what you said; after all, now New York City wants to take the toys out of Happy Meals so parents will feed their kids more nutritiously. Thanks for the laugh, even if I had to wait a week.” – Harold Charboneau
“The April Fool’s edition did not offend me although the first (editorial) did have me worried since, once again, it didn’t dawn on me that it was April 1 again until the second article. Seems like there is always groups that only wants you to make fun of what they are against or every other political party but theirs. The only way to offend no one is to write nothing. Keep the yuks coming.” – Dan Robinson
OK, Rob, you got me, and I got angry. But so what? It doesn’t take much to rile most of us these days. You needn’t apologize to anyone. It was fun … especially now!” – Don Miller
“While I did not find your April Fool’s jokes knee slapping funny, I was able to see the humor and your obvious intent to have a little fun at our expense (which I find completely acceptable). I don’t think you need to apologize to anyone for your humor. If they are not able to see the humor it’s their loss and their problem for not having a sense of humor. They have probably been snorting too much sawdust. I request that you keep sending out your humorous stories and made up articles. I feel sorry for the people that are not able to enjoy your delightful humor.” – Gerry Bishop
“If there is one thing I’ve learned in my 20 years of self-taught woodworking … there are a lot of wound tight, humorless old codgers that were born normal, then slowly, over time, developed an affinity for misplacing their 10″ long – 2″ ‘square’ rasps up their rear ends. Humor has to have an element of truth to it to be funny. I refer to paragraph #1.” – Jay Morris
Sadly, I was away, and have just returned to read the April 1 and this newsletter.
“Much enjoyment, but surely the Ironwood story is not a Joke? I have inherited a large number of wood rods that my late boet (brother) told me were welding rods for hardwood trees. I have tried to use them, but cannot get the amperage high enough on my home welder. Nou Ja, [Now, yes] I think that he was pulling my leg, because you suggest than ironwood cannot be melted – your feedback suggests a joke.
“Seriously though, boogers could be used to make an extremely strong glue (not adhesive). Collect sufficient, hydrolize it (after the fashion of hide glue), and you would get a product as good as hide glue and possibly as good as fish bladder glue. Google this last, and you will see that fish glue was used by the Mongols for making compound bows.
“Thanks for a brilliant laugh, and I hope that you found my translations of Afrikaans expressions quaint. Must go now, there is a lion showing interest in my dogs.” – Adrian Glanvill; Kingsburgh, KwaZulu – Natal