Regarding solutions for sharing a shop with someone shorter, John L.Cusimano commented that “Using a portable box to stand on so that shorter woodworkers can access machinery or work benches seems like an accident waiting to happen. A box or platform a few inches above the main floor becomes a tripping hazard in the shop. Also, inadvertently stepping off the edge could cause a twisted ankle and a fall.”
The bread cutter plans elicited this comment: “I’m really enjoying the e-journal and have one comment about the French Bread Cutter. Why the left right-handed slots? Just turn the contraption around if you use the other hand.”
Rich Flynn responded to the question on drilling end grain, saying that a commercial woodworking magazine pointed out that brad point bits follow the grain during end grain drilling, and suggested that a twist drill works better.
Another reader wrote to say he often finds errors in our plans and that the angle of 67 degrees for the front was not correct for the linear dimensions given. “I used 72 degrees and it came close. Actually the calculated angle is 17 degrees 54 minutes& The dimension of the top width at 5.5 inches is not consistent with the top edge of the sides and can be confusing when measuring and cutting the angle.”
Jack, from Phoenix, felt a window fan with a filter would be inefficient, and preferred a squirrel cage fan. He added that a lazy susan helps to rotate the project, and mentioned keeping the floor wet to avoid kicking up dust. He also suggested you leave the project in the booth with the fan running till it is completely dry.
Regarding my son’s sarcasm about the arc vs. arch question, a local from the next town over wrote a note to me, saying:
Please tell your “sarcastic high school son” that it’s arK not arC. But, then, we grew up back when they still taught spelling in high school, right? Or is that just a Puyallup High School issue? Over here in Sumner we can still spel!
George Lowe
My equally sarcastic daughter wrote the following response:
Mr. Lowe,
They may not teach spelling or consider cow-tipping physical education here in Puyallup, as I’m sure they do in Sumner, but they do teach humor and the meaning of the word homophone.
Proud in Puyallup
I should step in here and explain that Sumner and Puyallup are two semi-agrarian towns nestled next to one another along the Puyallup river, and have long enjoyed a friendly rivalry. You can easily walk from Puyallup into Sumner. Of the two, Puyallup has developed urbanization faster, though Sumner is now catching up. In other words, we have more latte stands, and a Wal-Mart, but the same woodworking guild covers both towns.