Unless you are ready for the consequences, don’t let anyone give your kid a router. Because once they get a taste for edge trimming, dado routing and molding making … they will be hooked. You’ll have a woodworker on your hands, plain and simple. And we all know what that means: coming home late with dust all over their clothes, unexplained voids in the bank account corresponding with shiny new tools appearing in the garage. It’s a project-strewn, dust-covered slippery slope.
Why do I mention this? Well, because this eZine is all about routers … often identified as the tool that takes a person from a DIYer to a woodworker. So consider this a warning: you may want to keep this eZine from your kids. Unless you want them to become woodworkers — in that case, spread the word!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal