I haven’t been “back to school” (unless you count my class reunion) for — well, let’s just say it’s more years than I care to count. But, as the saying goes, “you learn something every day.” Of course, when it comes to woodworking, I hope you’re learning all you can from Woodworker’s Journal, whether it’s this eZine, the print or digital issues of our magazine, or the downloadable plans we have available in our Store that will teach you how to make a certain project — or learn a specific technique.
Some of us are even still applying, in our day-to-day shop life, lessons we learned long ago from our high school shop teachers. My thoughts turned to these unsung souls when reading over the questions in our Q&A section this time out. One of them is from a shop teacher who’s being asked to take on projects that, well, just don’t seem like they belong in a classroom setting. Take a read and let us know what you think — and let me know any of your own memories of your old shop teacher while you’re at it!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal