Measure Twice, Check … A Few Times
The Industry Interview in eZine Issue 274 about the I-Mark Marking Tape Measure prompted these thoughts about measurements from an eZine reader. – Editor
“After reading the development of the marking tape measure, it reminded me of the adage about using the same tape measure for a project. In the process of making two bedside tables, I have been using a wood folding tape measure. Then, for one piece, I used a retractable tape measure. I then decided to check the measurement against my folding tape measure. The difference, over 30 inches, was almost one-eighth inch. I then checked using two other retractable tapes and a steel yardstick. None were identical.” – Don Castonia
Tips on Tinting
This reader’s thoughts were about the question in eZine 274’s Q&A on tinting epoxy – he had more to say about it. – Editor
“Some additional information on coloring epoxy. Art supply stores carry colored powders that mix readily with epoxy and, for that matter, just about any other liquid or semi-liquid media. They come in dozens of colors, metallics, pearl and other effects. You have to set any prejudices against expensive materials aside as they aren’t cheap, but you can do just about anything you want. When picking a color, remember the epoxy is not completely clear but is a little yellow. To keep the colored dust from infecting the surrounding wood, hit the area around your inlay with a sealing coat of shellac or some thinned finish you’ll eventually use in the end. It is OK to slop some into the recess, as the epoxy, acrylic or other filler will form-fit the gaps.” – Chuck Kubin
Get Out of the Heat
And finally, this reader talks about not bottoming the bit to prevent heat transfer. – Editor
“I am writing in regard to your Woodworker’s Journal eZine Issue 274, specifically the ‘Tricks of the Trade’ section. This was a trick to keep the router bit from bottoming out when the chuck is tightened. The idea is great, but the reason given for not bottoming the bit in the chuck was a bit off-track, I believe. The writer stated that you should not bottom the bit in the chuck because it can compromise tightening of the bit properly. Actually, the reason you should elevate the bit from the bottom of the chuck is to interrupt heat transfer from the bit to the router motor. The bit can get quite hot when in use and, if the bit is bottomed in the chuck, this heat goes directly to the router’s motor. This excess heat will drastically shorten the life of the electric motor. Also, putting any object between the bit and the bottom of the chuck could also transfer the heat directly to the motor. Heat is a definite enemy of anything electrical (except a heater, of course).” – Jim Tanner