The Tool Preview in last issue’s eZine – a peek at the forthcoming Festool Domino XL, a tool so new it’s not even available yet here in the U.S. – brought forth a couple of reader responses. Like this one, from a Dutch reader who wants to rub it in. – Editor
“Just read your story about the new Festool monster. Looked at the Dutch Festool site and see…There it is! I own the “little” Domino.” – Theo Prangsma, Netherlands
“I bought a Domino from Festool two years ago, and my biscuit equipment hasn’t been used since. This is almost better than sliced bread or cold beer. No, not the beer, but it is a great tool.Yes, I looked at your review and totally agree. In fact, I feel that the Festool line of tools has got to be the best I’ve ever used. Were I a younger person, I would definitely invest in a lot more of their tools. As it is, I have five of them now, but just can’t justify any more. I’ll probably find a way sooner or later, though I think that the woodworking magazines doing tool reviews are shortchanging the readers as they do not include Festool in their articles/tests. It’s probably due to the fact that the tools are so much better even with the higher price.” – Bob Hoyle
Editor’s Note: Bob, you may be pleased to know that there will be an article on the Festool Domino XL in the June 2012 issue of Woodworker’s Journal print magazine.
The Chronicles of…
And, we received this response to one of our Q&A answers from eZine 294. This reader is very up on his Narnian chronology; our answer should have specified the first published book in the series. – Editor
“Good commentary, but I have this bit of info for Joanna Werch Takes: the first book in the Narnia series is The Magician’s Nephew, as I am always reminded by my dear wife whenever we see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in a film or TV version!” – Brian Leavy