RIDGID calls the new technology found in their 18V R86014 Drill/Driver “AutoShift™.” Although it probably wouldn’t have been the best marketing decision, they could just as easily have called it “anti-stupid.” Having frequently found myself in need of idiot-proof tools, I appreciate that.
The AutoShift technology shifts into the speed appropriate for your application: when it senses a high torque application, the AutoShift automatically downshifts to a lower speed. Yes, the drill thinks it’s smarter than you. Sometimes, that’s OK (if it’s not, you can use an AutoShift By-Pass to override it).
The speeds it runs at are 0-450/1,450 rpm, with a 450 inch-pounds of torque. It has a 24-position, one-half-inch single-sleeve chuck and an LED light. The R86104 runs on lithium-ion batteries and comes with two of them, as well as a charger. It sells for $229. For more information, visit http://www.ridgid.com.