Scroll Down and Be Counted

Rob-Portrait351Big news! Those of you who receive our eZine in its graphic e-mail format (most of you) are invited to participate in our new online “instant surveys” (see questions at the bottom of the e-mail).

So, you ask, why do I care?

Well, if all goes according to plan, participants will be eligible to win woodworking tools and other cool stuff (more on that later). For now, I want you to know that your participation will be completely confidential, totally safe and instantly tabulated!

This is our first attempt, so we are asking questions about you and how you use the eZine. In the future we will be asking questions about new products, woodworking trends … you name it. And the great thing is that the survey module (found at the bottom of this e-mail) will tabulate all the results in a snap, and everybody’s answer will be counted. Look for this to become a regularly recurring feature of the Zine.

It’s the technological answer to a question I have been asking: How can I effectively complete the communication loop between me and my readers? This is my solution, and I can’t wait to see how it works. Let me know what you think, but first, be sure to answer the survey questions!


– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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