Shooting Ourselves in the Foot?
After last issue’s Q&A on shooting boards, a few of you had some things to say about our answer. – Editor
“I was so excited when reading my eZine and it was going to tell me how to use a shooting board! Well, I still don’t know. I read the whole thing, and either I am dumb as dirt or you still didn’t tell me anything except to plane the end of the board! You tell me to make my own and try it. How in the [heck] am I going to make something and try it when I have no idea what it is, how to make it or how to use it?” – Henry
“What is a shooting board and how is it used? I never heard of it.” – Vincent Rendo
We heard you. Check out this issue’s Q&A section for further details on the shooting board. – Editor
Where’s My Wood Rank?
We also heard, if we didn’t learn it from the responses to the “what’s your favorite hardwood” query, that many of you have strong attachments to your personal preferences. – Editor
“I have to ask, how did ash rank with your survey? I am in the process of doing a bedroom suite for my granddaughter (ash). Completed a rocking horse, bookshelf/end table and a sleigh bed so far.” – Ron Conrad
Ash was in the middle of the road, varying by only one or two votes from many of the other woods that were hanging out there in the tier below the “biggies” listed in Rob’s editorial (walnut, red oak, cherry, maple and white oak). – Editor
Turning to the Truth
One reader’s query wondered about the secret desires lurking in the hearts of those who receive woodturners’ projects – and how to suss out what those secret turning wishes are. – Editor
“I was going over a back issue (Big Chuck; Issue: Issue 225; Posted Date: 6/16/2009), and you mentioned making more turned bowls (just what the family wants). My question is this: Just what does the family want (in a turned object)? If you asked for the truth from each of them (that you would give a turned bowl to), I’ll bet the answer would be that a turned bowl would be just fine. The truth may be entirely different. So, see if you can get the real truth behind the turned object: What would they really want as a turned object(s)?” – Danny Comsa