As I’ve mentioned before, I have an amazing woodshop. I am not bragging here, just reporting. It is wired for my equipment, I’ve got about 1,200 square feet of space which is both heated and air-conditioned, and I have a ton of woodworking tools. So, while I might be making some of you jealous, that is not my intent. One additional piece of information I should share is that I am going to be moving from my current residence with its amazing shop … and I don’t know if my new home will have a space for a woodshop. (This is one of my priorities, but who knows?)
So, my question is: how have you all dealt with this sort of event? I am sure some of you have downsized in recent years. What happened to your shop? Do any of you share a shop space? Rent a shop space? I am counting on you … let me know, and we will share what we can of your advice.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal