Something in the Air

I saw them Saturday: snow flakes. I am aware of how truly regional this news is, but it is a result of my upbringing. (Here in Minnesota, talking about the weather is a contact sport, and only to be attempted by experts.) Up in our neck of the woods, snow in the air means folks heading for indoor activities … like woodworking.

I stopped by a woodworking show on Saturday and the place was wall-to-wall, flanel-shirted wood enthusiasts. These were people who knew way too much about band saw attachments and other woodworking gizmos. By the way, the new table saw miter attachment from Mule Cabinetmakers was one of the new gadgets that really caught the woodworkers’ attention. We’ll be following up on that story in an upcoming Zine. So join the crowd. Get inside and start making some sawdust!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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