Bosch I-Driver
“While the Bosch I-Driver looks like a neat tool, it appears you gave it a big boost in power. The author of the tool review states that it has 800 in-lbs. of torque. That made my eyes pop until I took the link that you provided to Bosch Tools, where they list the I-Driver’s torque at 80 in-lbs. That seems more realistic. I picked one up yesterday at Lowe’s and was impressed with its design.” – Bill Nelson
Good catch, Bill. That was indeed a typo on our part. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. You, and our other readers, can now read the corrected version of the article through the link right above your letter. – Editor
Festool Domino
“In ‘The Domino Effect,’ Bob Marino states that he suspects the term Domino will become the generic term for all similar machines. Please let Bob know that, from a marketing standpoint, this is actually not good.” – Troy Langone
Bob is quite aware of that, but in the past that awareness has not prevented it from happening. We imagine it is very much a mixed blessing for manufacturers, offering both a compliment and brand dilution. That’s why so many companies vigorously defend against the frivolous use of their brands, but ultimately, human nature and common usage craft our language. – Editor
“What a great time you all must have! I am a total beginner as far as woodworking is concerned, but everything you write makes me feel at home. Thanks.” – Belinda Van Nurden
You are welcome. That is exactly what we are trying to do, and we’re delighted you feel that way. And yes, we do have a great time, but please don’t tell our boss or she may stop paying us for doing it. – Editor
“I have been a plumber and pipe fitter most of my life and have just started doing some woodworking. I really appreciate the knowledge I have gained from your articles. There are so many things that you old-timers take for granted that I do wish for a little more detail sometimes. I really look forward to each article. Thank you very much.” – Chuck and Sharon Strebin
Safety Warning
In our question section, we pointed out that, while non-drying oily rags are a fire hazard, they will not by themselves result in spontaneous combustion the way rags laced with drying oil will. This retired fire chief added a warning that, with the right mix of chemicals, even non-drying oils can combust spontaneously. – Editor
“There is a situation that will make motor oil or any other hydrocarbon base product have spontaneous ignition or auto-ignition. It can happen if the hydrocarbon base materials come in contact will any type of chlorine or chlorine base product, such as swimming pool chemicals (HTH, Tablets etc). Even though we shouldn’t have such items in or around our shops, it happens every day. Just a fact I thought you may want to pass on.” – Ed White
It most certainly is something we want to pass on, Ed. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. Anything that keeps our readers safe is paramount to us. – Editor
They’re Still Talking about our April First Issue
“You had me for quite a while. I kept thinking ‘is this for real?’ but didn’t realize what was going on until I saw the date. Then I remembered last year’s edition. Keep it up. It was well worth the laugh.” – Ken Erlenbusch
“You guys are the best! I just want to say thank you, for you were able to do something that others have not been able to do for some time: make my wife laugh. She has been going through so much and had been down for some time. When I read the April issue, I was laughing so hard that my wife came into the computer room and asked me what I was laughing so hard about. I then had to read it all over again for her. For the first time in a long time she actually was laughing hard. Keep up the good work. You all work hard to give us the best and the best is what you deliver.” – Joe Thomas
“I love your eZine; you guys crack me up. I admit, it took me a few minutes before I realized it was the April issue, but you guys just crack me up. Keep up the good work.” – Lynn Miller
“I for one am glad to see someone other than myself else has a bizarre sense of humor. I thought your April Fool’s day editorial was great. Laughter makes the world a much better place in which to live. Keep up the good work and coming out with a superb magazine and newsletter. Thanks for a super laugh from me and my family.” – Eddy Vercelli
“I too greatly enjoyed the April 1 edition. It was sad, though, to see that a handful of our fellow readers seem to equate serious and helpful with humorless. If there’s anything that makes woodworking worth doing it’s seeing the humor in it and poking fun at ourselves. Please keep up the great work and please also stay with the light approach; it is much enjoyed!” – Douglas Y. Brown
“Just a bit late in commenting on this excellent issue. I sent the story of the multi-blade plane to a friend and told him I had ordered two; one for him and one for myself. But because of the huge demand, deliveries were not going to be shipped until April 1, 2008. He still missed it and agreed that patience is a great virtue.” – Joe Paterson
Typo Corner
While we are on the subject of typos, here’s our regular nod to some of more humorous language slips we writers of English generate. – Editor
“I would like to know how to calculate the curve’s radio.”
Don’t bother. These days the curve listens to an iPod® instead of a radio. – Editor
Yes, But What Is It?
“In the latest issue it was suggested to use a wash of oxalic and water to remove iron and water stains from raw sanded wood. What is oxalic and where can this be found in a reasonably small quantity?” – D.J.Ferancy
The culprit is a typo, or more specifically, a lost word. That should have read “oxalic acid,” and it is available, usually in pint containers, at almost any hardware or home store. It is sold as a white, crystalline powder that dissolves readily in water. Mix a 10 percent solution and it will do the job nicely. – Editor