Summer is a busy time of year up here on the tundra. We need to make hay when the sun shines in terms of doing things outside that are best enjoyed when the temperature is above zero and the ground is not frozen and covered in snow.
Even so, I find that many of my best woodworking hours come in the summer. Daylight Saving Time means that the sun goes down very late up north. I open my overhead door and work in the fresh air … be it hot and muggy or cool and crisp.
The woodworking industry seems to think that woodworkers slack off in their craft in the summer months, and that may be true for many of us, but I am not in that group. So what about you? Are you making sawdust in the summer or are you out catching fish? (Or mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, playing tennis, croquet, golfing or whatever …) Let us know and we will share your thoughts.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal