Craft Show Commentary
Readers share thoughts about selling woodworking projects at craft shows.
Woods You Love to Use
Readers share their favorite wood species for woodworking and some wonderful photos of their projects.
Making Light of Too Much Lumber
Readers share personal stories of lumber excesses.
Enthusiastic About Exotics … or Not?
Readers share thoughts about whether or not they use exotic woods in their projects.
Making Lumber from Logs
Readers share their experiences of turning logs into lumber.
Workbench Musings
Readers share their thoughts about what makes a good workbench.
Your Favorite Finishes and Why
Readers share their favorite wood finishes, why they use them and in what circumstances.
Outdoor Projects You’ve Built
Readers share favorite outdoor projects they’ve built.
Favorite Woodworking Projects
Readers share their favorite woodworking projects.
Are You Up to the Chair Challenge?
Readers share their wins and woes regarding chair-making.