To those of you who visit the Woodworker’s Journal website regularly, you may have noticed a bit of a hiccup in the last few days. The gremlins of the ether were hard at work messing with our website, and it went down for several days. The good news is that we are up and running and the problems have been solved.
As something of an Internet Luddite (and yes, we did try turning it off and on again), I confess that I was pretty frustrated with the situation, but it is all good now. But it did bring me the thought that there may be some of you who are not well-acquainted with all the cool stuff on our site that exists beyond the Woodworker’s Journal Weekly …
To you, I say: click around a little bit. Check out our videos, tips on finishing, joinery — you name it. There is a lot to like (and a lot to miss when the gremlins are on the warpath).
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal