Issue 108

Issue 108

A Special “Thank You” from Rob Johnstone

Rob-Portrait351Because you are a valued subscriber to the eZine, I have pulled a few strings and made arrangements with my publisher and our circulation department to give you HALF OFF a full year’s subscription to Woodworker’s Journal Magazine. (The print version.) Please take a moment to click the link below, and remember this is a private invitation to our online subscribers only.

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— Rob Johnstone, editor: Woodworker’s Journal

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Today's Woodworker

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Q & A

  • What’s the Difference Between Arch vs. Arc

    I would like to know what the difference (mathematical anyway) is between an arch and an arc.

  • Dusty Finish

    Have you ever heard of just leaving the dust from sanding in between coats of varnish or whatever? A fellow that worked in a cabinet shop for about 15 years says that if you leave the dust from sanding, that it makes for a stronger, better looking finish.

  • Help Sheet Tilter

    I recently had shoulder reconstruction due to too much heavy lifting. Can anybody assist me with a design for a home made mechanical helper to tilt a sheet (8 x 4) feet of MDF from a vertical position to a horizontal position?

  • Upright Drill Jig Suggestions?

    What kind of a jig can you suggest to hold a square column upright to drill a perfectly perpendicular hole with the drill press?

  • Portable Table Saw Scoring Wood

    Is there something slippery you could recommend to coat the aluminum surface that would put a stop to burrs? I have a similar problem on my 6″ Delta jointer.