Issue 113
Issue 113
When It’s Rhymin’ Time Again…
I have an internal clock (maybe it’s more like a calendar) that alerts me when the eZine has simply gone too long without a goofy contest. Some of the previous contests – the messiest shop and the weirdest project come to mind – were both interesting, and, frankly, a bit frightening. So it is with a degree of trepidation that I propose the Woodworker’s Journal eZine First Annual (depending on how this one turns out) Woodworking Poetry Contest. The poems must be written by the sender and need to be about woodworking or related topics (I’ll be the judge … no appeals allowed). Send your entries to with “poetry” in the subject line. The winners and those with merit will be placed on an extended version of our Reader’s Response page. You’ve got two weeks to write your epic …
To encourage entries I have penned a short poem that will probably bring a tear to the eyes of many an English major.
My 50th Approaches
By Rob Johnstone
Sharp as a tack,
That pain in my back,
From lifting a big piece of plywood.
When will I learn,
Machismo to spurn,
And lift with my legs like I know I should!
— Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Today's Woodworker
Silas Kopf: Where Elegance Meets Art
Working with one employee in a Northampton, Massachusetts, atelier, Kopf produces exquisitely made furniture lavishly adorned with marquetry of such dazzling beauty that it takes your breath away.
Industry Interviews
Wood Answers: The Best Little Web Site On Finishing
Imagine a web site where you can write in questions about finishing, and even woodworking, and get an answer, not from a gaggle of well-intentioned tyros, but direct from a bona fide expert in the field.
Q & A
Drilling Doweled Legs
Is there an accurate, simple way to drill 3/4 inch holes for doweled legs at an eight degree angle, such as on a rocking horse?
Gluing Walnut Strips
I built an oak trunk, finished in polyurethane. Can I glue walnut strips over the polyurethane with Gorilla Glue and expect them to stay fastened?
Using Lye to Darken Wood
Do you know of any formula or procedure for using lye to darken wood?
Using Waterbased Polyurethane on Cherry
I used waterbased polyurethane on a cherry project and it came out looking pale and parched. Will the cherry still mature under the polyurethane and become a rich red, or should I strip it and start over?
What's In Store
ZipWall: The Clear Deal in Dust Control
I set up a ZipWall room at the photographer’s studio, and between their dust barrier system and a JET dust collector, hardly a spec of sawdust was to be seen in the studio.
Sympathy, Suggestions and…Sorry
The sad news of the death of our dear friend, fellow woodworker, and Contributing Editor Steve Blenk continues to draw sympathy from our kind and caring readers. Here are a few examples.