Issue 120
Issue 120
Oops, I Sent It Again!
Irony can be a bittersweet experience. Last issue I extended a call for shop goof-up stories. (You will see a compilation of the best and goofiest next eZine.) And, while that message did indeed finally get to the eZine faithful, it was not until after we had a goof-up of our own. (And, indeed, many of you noticed and were confused.) In an error much easier to commit on the web than in a print magazine, we sent out the wrong issue of the eZine. (We were supposed to send out the e-mail for Issue 119 … we sent out the e-mail for Issue 118. Yup, the one that you had received just two weeks earlier.) This led to what could generously be called “madcap hilarity” or could, more accurately, be named “annoying confusion.” Anyway, there was a bunch of hubbub around the issue, the free plans, etc. We did then send the correct eZine e-mail, but the damage was done.
I am sorry for the goof-up: please accept my apology. And the irony of the fact that I had written an editorial about making mistakes is not lost on me. (Nor, apparently, on my staff … who seemed to enjoy pointing it out. Hmm.)
All in all, humbling experiences are good for the soul (and, yes, editors do have them). I am crossing my fingers that this eZine goes out with less excitement!
– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Today's Woodworker
Johanna Johanson: An Apropos Locale for an Enchanting Woodworker
Johanna Johanson’s beautiful work shows that she takes her own advice – to strive for excellence – to heart.
Industry Interviews
John Wilson: The Johnny Appleseed of Shaker Box Making
Like a modern-day Johnny Appleseed, he travels the country sowing the seeds of Shaker box making, offering both knowledge and vital resources.
Q & A
Can I Use a Router Table as a Jointer?
Is it possible to use a router table as a jointer? This reader’s suspicions prove to be correct, and solicit some added insight from the experts.
Should You Rout Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
When routing, does counterclockwise movement mean that one must turn the router in a counterclockwise circle as one is moving the router forward along the edge of the wood?
Sharpening Router Bits
How do you sharpen router bits? My husband thinks it is easier just to go out and buy new ones.
Finding a Plunge Routing Bit
I want to plunge route, going all the way through the wood panel in stages. Is there a special straight bit that I need?
What's In Store
Wood Movement Master: Calculating Wood’s Wacky Wandering
It’s not every day only about every other one that we hear from a woodworker who wonders What Went Wrong with a project in which the wood has cracked.
Reviews, Questions and (sigh) More Metric
Bear in mind that this segment is presented for your amusement. We are not quite as clueless as you might suspect, though our daughter insists we are.