Issue 251

Issue 251

It’s Time For a Contest!

Rob PortraitRandom contests have long been a tradition here at the Woodworker’s Journal eZine. We’ve had the messiest shop contest – inspired at that time by my office. We’ve had a “Compliment Woodworker’s Journal” contest (I still go and look at those submissions from time to time). And two (count them, TWO) woodworking poetry contests, just to name a few. One of our more recent contests asked you to report on the worst woodworking advice that you had ever received. Which leads me to this current contest.

I am looking for woodworking bromides. defines a bromide as “platitude or trite saying.” While every undertaking develops its own list of bromides, for some reason, we woodworkers are overly fond of them. Nearly every time I go into my shop I can hear the voice of Warren Nelson, my old foreman, quoting: “In woodworking, it is never a mistake unless you can’t fix it.” And because I hear it in my head, nearly anyone who goes with me into a shop is going to hear it. (A lot!)

So, what about you? Do you have a woodworking saying that comes to mind every time you darken your workshop’s door? Email it to me, and you will be entered in our contest. Three entries will be selected to win a fantastic prize (to reduce expectations, it might be good for you to go to and plug in the word fantastic …). And, of course, we will share the winners and other entries in our Feedback section.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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