Issue 389

Issue 389

A (Router) Bit of a Problem

Rob-Portrait351Handheld routers are go-to power tools in many woodshops. I know they are in mine, as I’m actually a bit embarrassed to admit how many routers I own. I have so many that I leave several set up with specific bits so I can just whip through rounding over the edges of a project or pattern routing a blank.

Along with what may be too many routers, I also have a similarly large number of router bits. Big (even huge), little, straight bits, ogee bits, pattern routing bits, up-spiral, down-spiral, cope-and-rail … you get the picture. But my big problem is I often can’t find the bit I want because of my “storage system.” Which is not a system at all … which is why I can’t find what I want.

My question is: how do you store your router bits? Are they in a “big drawer of bits” like at my shop … or collected in a more user-friendly situation?

Let me know … I think I need some help here.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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