Issue 406

Issue 406

Frightful Weather

Rob-Portrait351Last night, a friend from work used his pickup truck to help me get a 2-inches thick, 40-inches wide and 100-inches long slab of Redwood (sustainably harvested) into my workshop (thanks Gary!). It was snowing to beat the cards with the wind blowing like crazy. Here in Minnesota, we call a day like that Monday.

But once I was in my shop, it was warm, with no wind and just about perfect. I know that I do woodworking all year round, but there is something special about getting out in the shop when the weather is not fit for man or beast…and I bet I am not the only person to feel as I do.

The slab is not mine…a fellow woodworker is going to use my shop to turn it into a super-cool dining table. I will try to get pictures, maybe even a video. That piece of wood is a keeper!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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