Issue 59

Issue 59

Both: Love and Profit

From the highly unscientific results of my off-the-cuff query, it seems that, while there are a large number of eZine readers who do woodworking for a living, most of you consider it an avocation – a hobby. That doesn’t mean you don’t do a project once in a while, for a few extra bucks. Even folks who identified themselves as beginners said they had the opportunity (and took it) to sell a project or services now and then.

But as far as I could tell, money never seemed to be the main reason that folks (from pros to hobbyists) began woodworking. Even those who identified themselves as professionals clearly stated the love of woodworking as the primary reason they’re involved in the craft. (Several indicated that there was simply not enough money to love.)

So, here’s to all of you who share a passion for woodworking. You are why the eZine exists: to bring the woodworking community the best woodworking information (electronic or otherwise) around in a fun and usable format. Keep on making sawdust … whether for love or money.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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