In last issue’s eZine, Rob mentioned his upcoming “clean out the house (and shop) for sale” wood giveaway. It sounds like he might have more close, personal friends than he thought … – Editor
“Persimmon? Both my driver and three-wood are persimmon. Minnesota? Do you happen to be near Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average? I may not be able to attend the giveaway. Besides, I have enough persimmon in my golf bag.” – Tony Kiernan
“I wish I lived close to get some, but looks like there will be a scramble at your house.” – Bob Lockas
“What is the chance of shipping some of your wood to Washington, if there is any left over? Hope you get a bigger shop at your new place and thanks for the great and outstanding ideas.” – Ray E. Manspeaker
“I feel your pain. In the last house my wife and I lived in, I did about half the work myself. I initially built a 16’X20′ ‘little house on the prairie’ which my wife, myself and two young boys lived in for a year while I built the main house. The prairie house became my workshop after the house was finished. After doing a lot of the work on my home myself, and living there for 20 years, I had accumulated a lot of stuff, including much wood, which I couldn’t take with me. Some of the wood came from circa 1900 New Orleans homes. I could have stocked a small hardware store with all the things I had accumulated in my shop over 20 years. Whenever I needed four nuts and bolts, or whatever, for a project, I would usually buy six of everything. I’ve been in my current house for 10 years, across the street from my son. Between the two of us we have just about one of everything.” – Don
Port Vincent, Louisiana