In the last issue, Rob told us about “helping” his neighbors clean up their trees that blew down in a storm … and wondered if any of you could “help” him find storage space for the gathered wood. – Editor
“In response to your latest question: ‘Still we must take advantage of what nature has to offer — do any of you have extra storage?’ Both of my neighbors let me store excess wood in their patio fireplaces. I never run out of storage space! And, they never complain about noise and sawdust.” – Bob Hartig
“I’ll happily empty a container if you want to store a truckload of hardwood in Alaska! Considering that our local resource is limited to birch, black spruce and the occasional chunk of cottonwood (in desperation), I will take all you can send me. I don’t think you’d mind if I used a little bit in exchange for storage space … Yeah. Dream on. I need to figure out what I can make out of four-inch thick chunks of willow and alder. Not very inspiring, I’m afraid.” – Louise Heite
“I don’t have any more storage, but I might have a better idea on how torid the logs of bugs. When it warms up enough for the bugs to start moving again, find the nearest low-temp cold storage outfit (frozen food packing/storage/trucking company) near you. Get on someone’s good side, and take your logs into negative 45-degree temps and leave them overnight. It kills the bugs with the fast freeze (they don’t have time to acclimate to the freezing temp, and rupture.)” – Riley Grotts
“My neighbor and I were just lamenting the fact that all these good trees were turned into ash rather than salvaged. It finally boiled down to where could we store said lumber. He said I should clean out the garage. I suggested we buy the house next door. Neither are going to happen, however. Hope you find your solution to this problem. (That same neighbor does the auction/garage sale circuit and reports back that the ‘old ones’ are now passing on and their legacy is hundreds of board feet, milled and dried in their shops, going for pennies per board foot.” – Randy Gleason
“Our town has taken down an enormous oak that looks to be a good eight to 10 feet in diameter and 15 to 20 feet long. It’s just lying in the yard! If I could rent a band saw system that was big enough, then I would offer to remove it for them; of course, I would give the wood a good new (old) home in payment. I hear that a steel shipping container makes a great storage and drying container. Oh, to just be made of money!” – J. Eric Pennestri
“Funny thing about ‘extra space.’ Just as soon as you get some, it fills up, usually to overflowing. My space in my shop for wood storage filled up when I chanced on some walnut. Then I was given some cherry and cedar logs, crowding out my motorcycles in the garage. I better put this darn phone down and get back to finishing up that lumber rack.” – Lee Ohmart