You might think summer would be winding down in August, but for some of my woodworking tasks, it’s just gearing up. In the next week alone, I’ll be going to two different fairs. First, I’m participating in the judging for woodworking entries at the Minnesota State Fair. No bribes allowed — although I wouldn’t be averse to someone pointing me in the direction of the strawberry-rhubarb pie judging. Just sayin’.
Next week, several members of my staff and I are off to the races – the International Woodworking Fair® in Atlanta, one of the year’s big trade shows for introducing new woodworking tools. (Watch your emails next week for how we’re bringing more of that information to you.)
All in all, it’s shaping up to be a “fair”-ly good August in the woodworking world.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal