Wondering what to watch on that new plasma TV you got for the holidays? With the SmartFlix web site, you can answer that question – and sharpen up your woodworking skills at the same time.
It’s a setup similar to online movie rental businesses, but the focus at SmartFlix is on “how-to” – including several woodworking “how-to” DVDs, covering a range from turning to furniture making to getting the most out of a miter saw (and other tools).
You pay $9.99 for a week’s rental of a DVD. It comes to your mailbox; when you’re done watching it, you pop it back in the mailbox and send it back. The 3,000-plus DVD has other selections that might be of interest to woodworkers as well: lutherie, for instance, is considered a separate category, and some woodworkers might want to incorporate metalworking or fiberglass into some of their projects.