issue 203

issue 203

Going Digital: The Summer Sequel

Rob-Portrait351About a month ago, I notified all of you about the very first ever, super-duper digital issue of the Woodworker’s Journal print magazine. Many of you clicked over, checked it out, and told us what you thought.

As a result of that feedback, the online reader has undergone some improvements — and we are giving all of our eZine subscribers a chance to test out one more full issue for FREE.

This time out, our link is to a Special Interest Publication, all about Weekend Woodworking: quality projects that won’t take you a lifetime to build. (In fact, you should be able to see most of them from start to finish in, well, a weekend.)

This is a “real,” hard copy magazine that you can also buy at your local newsstand — but we’re offering you the chance to experience it all on your computer, just like you were reading a magazine.

If you tried the last digital issue, you’ll be pleased to know that the improvements include things like: no more blurry pages! Better page flips (without even wetting your fingers)! And, the best improvement: many readers will experience much, much faster performance! (Because you want to save your time for those quick, yet classic, woodworking projects, of course.)

– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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Today's Woodworker

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    Put in simple terms, Sylvia Cook is an itinerant chainsaw carver, but before you rush to judgment, let me assure you that she is not one of those people who crank out an endless stream of ramping bears, grinning bears and, for variety, bears holding signs.

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