This woodworker has a router, wants to buy a drill press and wonders if it’s worth it to go the extra mile and get a dedicated mortiser.
Ellis Walentine: This question comes up all the time. The little benchtop mortisers are surprisingly good for their size and price. If you’re going to be doing a lot of mortising, I’d advise you to get one. The main benefit of a dedicated mortiser is that it is built to take the stresses and strains of mortising, while a drill press isn’t. It’s also a pain to have to attach and detach the mortising attachment from your drill press all the time. And, the Dedicated machine will chop larger and deeper mortises than your drill press will, especially a small drill press.
Rob Johnstone: For me, the short answer is: if you can afford it, go for it. Dedicated mortisers have several advantages over those attached to drill presses (depth of cut being the most significant). Plus, you keep your drill press free for other operations ? like drum sanding. Oh, wait, there’s a dedicated machine for that, too! Well, good luck with your decision.