Spring is upon us, thank goodness! And while the snow here in Minnesota is still fanny-high on a tall Lutheran, it is a fact that the snowbanks in parking lots will be gone by June.
The seasonal change affects folks differently. My wife Mary is sorting through flower catalogs and evaluating what new tools she will need when the permafrost finally breaks. Many woodworkers are also thinking about outdoor projects they can start now and have ready to go when the grass greens. (I know that, for you southern woodworkers, you are probably way behind schedule for this sort of activity. Or perhaps you have been busy building all winter long.)
Which brings me to my question: What kind of outdoor projects have you built? Which types are your favorites? Please share your thoughts and, if you have them, pictures. Us tundra folks are looking for some inspiration!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Guide to Router Planes
Grecian Columns: History and Turning

Premium Project: Modern Room Divider

Premium Project: Mid-Century Coffee Table

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