I was given a “no-name” brand of dovetail jig with minimal set-up instructions, and no instructions for use or guidance for fit adjustments. It cuts only half-blinds. After some trial and error, using a 1/2″ dovetail bit and a 7/16″ collar, I’ve finally been able to cut some joints that fit. However the fit is a little loose (about 1/32″). Any guidance on how to adjust for a tighter fit?
Rob Johnstone: In the Sept/Oct 2002 Woodworker’s Journal, Bill Hylton reviews several dovetail jigs and also offers some very helpful hints to solve jigs-in-use problems as you describe. Look for it on newsstands in August.
Lee Grindinger: Set your router to cut a bit deeper. Although counterintuitive, the joint will fit more tightly by cutting deeper.