Life in the catbird seat (whatever that is) can be so interesting. Last week, I asked you all about track saws. A couple of guys asked what they were, but most folks who responded were big fans. (See our Feedback department.) There were a few who thought the dollars required didn’t add up to the benefits for these fancy circ saws — although, curiously, none of those folks seemed to own one.
In any case, those of you who are subscribers to our print magazine might figure out why that question came to me last week. In our March/April issue, we built a cool jig to make track saws even more versatile. (Click here for a video on the jig.) And I was thinking to myself … “What if nobody owns a track saw?” Thankfully, it seems we are spared that specific embarrassment, although I am sure I’ll be able to dig up others as I move forward.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal