Issue 441

Issue 441

Young People and Woodworking

Rob PortraitIn about a week I get to judge the woodworking entries at the Education Building at our Minnesota State Fair. I have done this for several years now, and I really enjoy it. It can be a bit of a grind … sometimes there are so many entries that it gets a bit overwhelming; other years the number of entries is few. What will happen this year is anybody’s guess, but I can’t wait to see this year’s offerings. But the thing that always makes me happy is to see the creativity of these kids (from 3rd grade to 12th grade), and that woodworking is alive and well.

Which makes me curious. Have you been doing any woodworking with young people in your life? My grandkids are very young, but I already have a plan to get them putting stuff together in wood.

Let me know … I am interested in how you are going about the task of teaching woodworking to the next generation.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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