Issue 485
Issue 485
Just One Hole …
“What’s your next project? Working on anything cool?” are questions that I get on a regular basis. As a person who has a reputation as woodworker with advanced skill levels, I am guessing that many folks think the answer will be “a 17th century highboy replica” … or “a Ruhlmann-inspired sunbed.” And don’t get me wrong, I would like to build those sorts of things — the challenge would be amazing — but mostly my answers are more mundane.
For example, the next big project on my agenda is … an outhouse. You know, for going to the … euphemism. The facility at my sister’s cabin is falling apart, and we are having my mother’s 90th birthday party at her place in a couple of weeks, so I got the call.
In case you are concerned that I am an inexperienced outhouse builder, put those worries aside. This is, by my count, the fourth or fifth biffy I have banged together. Single- and two-holers; I’ve built them all.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
P.S.: Next Tuesday is the Fourth of July, so have a safe and enjoyable holiday, but don’t be looking for your eZine. We are taking the day off.
Today's Woodworker
Anne Briggs Bohnett: Woodworking and Farming in Seattle
Anne Briggs Bohnett is a Seattle-area woodworker and farmer, with an affinity for traditional crafts and traditional styles.
Tricks of the Trade
Coffee Can Hose Couplings
This reader has found a way to recycle his old coffee cans to upgrade his woodworking shop’s dust collection system.
Getting Use Out of Old Tubes
This reader found a way to use some old bike inner tubes to help keep his workshop a little bit cleaner.
What's In Store
RYOBI ONE+ Hybrid Score™ Wireless Speakers
Thanks to the capabilities of Bluetooth, the days of running wires between audio controllers and speakers is almost a bygone necessity.
Q & A
What Kind of Chairs Are These?
I’m repairing and refinishing these chairs. Can you help me identify their origins?
Reader's Project Gallery
Table Saw Fence System
This reader sent in a video of his homemade table saw fence, which he really loves. Watch his video and take a look at some of his drawings.