Issue 535
Issue 535
I Am Stumped!
Have you ever heard the joke: How do you carve an elephant? Get yourself a piece of wood, then carve away everything that does not look like an elephant … you’ve got a statue of an elephant! (I did not say it was a good joke.)
Let me say that woodcarving is something I’ve only done because I’ve had to. My desire to carve is nonexistent. My skill at carving is rudimentary at best. Those things combined are not a recipe for success.
But recently, I was provided with three power-carving tools that attach to an angle grinder. Suddenly, my desire to carve stuff has become pretty extreme. I have no power-carved items that I would share in a photo just yet … but that will change soon. So far, I have just been experimenting, but I feel that I am on the precipice of something awesome (even if it is only awesome in my own mind).
So now I can take a log, or a stump, or tree limb, and just start making woodchips.
Yeah, baby!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Industry Interviews
Walrus® Oil: Better Finishes for Food Prep
Wipe-on, one-step finishes developed from natural ingredients that are safe for cutting boards and other wooden food preparation products.
Q & A
Why is Ironwood So Heavy?
What’s the scientific reason for why ironwood is so heavy? Does it have to do with slow growth and a “bunching up” property when cut?
Tricks of the Trade
How to Make Vacuum Attachment Connections Tighter
This reader, frustrated by his old vacuum connection getting loose, came up with a handy and simple solution to make them fit like new.
What's In Store
Elite 2500C Workbench
Swedish-made, full size workbench features European beech construction, two pre-mounted vises and a removable clamping platform.
Wood, Burned; Slide Rule Memories
Reader reactions to burning of wood; memories of slide rules.