Issue 650

Issue 650

Hot Topic

Rob Johnstone photoLast week I mentioned that I was adding heating to my shop. Then I asked how you all had attacked the heating challenge (as well as cooling). Boy howdy, you had a lot to say on that topic, and you can see those comments in the Feedback section. Thank you for the input! It appears that our surveying was accurate about heating and cooling as a significant challenge to spending more time in your shop.

So now I want to know what other things keep you from your sawdust-making rounds. Do soap operas take up your time? Are there social media feuds to fend off? Perhaps your honey-do projects outside the shop are expanding by the hour? Whatever the case, this inquiring mind wants to know.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

Mobile Lathe Stand

Mobile lathe stand

Put your mini lathe on the pedestal it deserves. While our art director’s design isn’t fancy, it’s solid, economical and easy to build. Dress it up with accessories as you like.

Advice for Moving a Full-Sized Lathe

Ernie Conover gives his advice on how to safely move a heavy full-size lathe into your shop in this woodworking video and related article.

From Our Sponsor

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The innovative Dust Right Lathe Dust Collection System is designed specifically to cradle your workpiece when it is chucked in the lathe and catch most of the dust and debris as you complete your turning. So crank up that lathe – we’ll help take care of the mess!

Lathe dust collection video

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