Issue 75

Issue 75

Survey: eZine at Work or Home?

Rob-Portrait351I am going to ask you to reveal a secret … but don’t worry, it’s safe with me. I receive many, many e-mails from all of you on a wide range of topics. (Yes, my new puppy is doing fine!) But I must confess to being more than a bit curious. Often, the address or footer will indicate that the e-mail I am reading has come from a place of business. So … where do you read the eZine? Do you get it at home or in the office? If you get it in the office, does your boss know (if you have a boss)? Or is it a guilty pleasure tucked between spreadsheets, memos and fiscal reports? Don’t get me wrong, I have received an e-joke or two at the office, but I know that for some companies, personal use of the Internet is a problem. So let me know, and while I will be sure to protect the guilty and the innocent alike, I’ll let you know the “trend analysis” on our readers’ response page next issue.

— Rob Johnstone, editor: Woodworker’s Journal

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Industry Interviews

Today's Woodworker

  • R. B. Himes: Woodworker and Renaissance Man

    Both online and in magazines, you’ll find his articles popping up on such diverse topics as creating business logos or creating portfolios for your garden, or the not-so-delicate art of crushing peppercorns. But mostly you’ll find R.B. Himes’ advice and tips on woodworking.

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