Issue 460

Issue 460

Christmas Vacation!

Rob-Portrait351About the only time that I think I’d like to be back in school is when I see kids out and about enjoying their winter, spring or summer breaks. It would be so awesome to have a couple weeks off here, the summer off there — I think I could really master that aspect of school if I had another chance at it!

Alas, this is not the case, but this year at least, we at Woodworker’s Journal will be taking the next Tuesday off from putting out an eZine. So, don’t waste hours staring at your inbox waiting for your next set of Free Plans … they won’t arrive until January 3rd.

But do accept from us our very best holiday wishes. You are the reason that we have the opportunity to create this eZine, and we are indeed grateful for you and your support. May you have a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate … and may the New Year bring you joy and peace.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal.

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