Issue 114

Issue 114

Celebrate and Take Action…

Rob PortraitThis holiday season has provided a dramatic context to appreciate how fortunate I am. The lovely weekend I spent with my family, followed by the news of the horrible events surrounding the tidal waves in the Indian Ocean, offered such a contrast that it helped me to take stock and to be truly grateful for all that I have. As well as to be moved to share some of that with people suffering on the other side of the world.

What about you? Are you in the same boat as me? I am not suggesting you do anything other than what is in your heart: help your next-door neighbor, volunteer at a local school, shop for an elderly friend, visit a shut-in or maybe help those hurt by the tsunamis. But I am mentioning it with the hope that you will join me in doing something to demonstrate love for our fellow human beings. For whatever reason, the recent turn of events has led me to more fully understand that just being born in America is better than winning any lottery around. I know that many folks around the world read this eZine, but I also know that most of us live here in North America. So please take a moment to consider what you might do — great or small — and then take action. It’s only a suggestion … but one that I hope you will seriously consider.

PS. The following is a link to a Red Cross web page with information about the tragedy and how you might help.


– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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