Issue 371

Issue 371

Tell Your Top Tip

Rob-Portrait351There are just a few days left in the “Nordys” contest — the annual event held by Rockler Woodworking and Hardware in the midst of celebrity award season. This year, all you have to do is send in the best woodworking tip you’ve ever heard, and you could win big (it will be like your own virtual red carpet walk!). Now, your submission does need to be in the form of a video … but hey, doesn’t one of your kids have an iPhone?  Yup, I thought so. Record your tip. Upload it to the site and bing, bang, bong … you could be the big winner and super famous (woodworking-wise).

But like I said, there are only a couple of days left to enter (deadline is the 22nd of February, 2015). So get busy and record your tip and submit it here.

And if you win … and you want to share a little with your favorite eZine dude — well, that is entirely up to you!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

P.S. Want another chance to win a prize? Click over to the Woodworker’s Journal Facebook page to check out our sweepstakes where you could win a Baileigh table saw.

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