Issue 599
Issue 599
Smooth Operator
Getting a project ready for its first coat of finish is a task that many of us look at with a resigned determination. It’s not exactly fun and neither is it difficult, but it can be tedious. On the other hand, few things are as satisfying as seeing the beauty of a lovely piece of wood appear, as if by magic, from a proper finish. (There is a life metaphor in there someplace, but I will leave that to you.)
Sanding is a task like any other: you can do it well or give it short shrift. But there are some tools that can make the process more effective and less tedious. Our two videos in this issue of the Weekly address that specifically. First, Chris Marshall gives you a few tips to keep your sanding machines working at their best. Second, I build a little walnut table with some ash inlay, and I use a new benchtop drum sander from JET that I found really useful.
Sanding will never be something I jump out of bed to do, but the results are certainly worth the effort.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Featured Videos
How to Maintain Your Benchtop Sander
Walnut Live Edge Table
Spending Less Time and Effort on Sanding
The author’s tips on improving your sanding technique are applicable whether you are sanding by hand or using a random orbit sander. When you use these techniques, it will be easy to see — and get rid of — your previous sanding scratches. (And you’ll know when to stop!)
Sanding Woodturning Projects with a Lubricant
Adding wet-sanding to our arsenal can be a major benefit to our lungs. AAW’s Mike Peace explains the benefits of using lubricants when sanding turning projects.
Saw Sled Makes Better Miters
After reading last week’s editorial about Rob’s joinery woes, this reader shared his solution for creating a tighter miter.