Issue 353

Issue 353

Woodworking as Continuous Learning

Sadly, I must confess a character flaw that has haunted me for years: after I learn how to do something really well, I am not that interested in doing it again. This is one reason why my woodworking knowledge is ever-expanding: What else is there to learn and try? While I think most people are not saddled with my A.D.D.-like affliction, I know that learning new things is a common desire for woodworkers of every stripe. It’s just who we are. Often, we learn a new technique to fill in a void in our woodworking bag of tricks. Necessity is a great motivator!

With that in mind, I ask you: what is the area of woodworking that you’d most like to learn more about? What is your one (or two, if you can’t decide) greatest challenge as a woodworker?

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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    The Names You Call Yourselves

    Last time out, Rob asked in his editorial about what you call yourself when it comes to working with wood – whether that is “woodworker,” “woodturner,” or some other appellation.

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