Rob Johnstone

  • Woodworking: The Center of the World!

    By the time you are reading this editorial, I will be secure in a secret northern Minnesota location catching largemouth and smallmouth bass in vast quantities! (But not exceeding legal limits or the bounds of good sportsmanship.) I will, of course, be using some of my own hand-turned fishing lures.

  • Life is a Progression

    A woodworking project grows from a desire to plant seeds.

  • We Love Woodworking

    Sometimes when I see a piece of woodworking, I am simply stopped in my tracks. It could be because the wood in a project catches my eye, the figure and finish working together so well that they make me want to stop and touch the piece.

  • Sounds a Little Sketchy!

    Holy CAD-cam Batman! Can this be true? In the June issue of our print magazine (which oddly enough, through the…

  • I’m Ready for My Close-up, Mr. DeMille!

    I think I am ready to make a bold statement: After a bit of consideration, I have come to the conclusion that this Internet thing is more than a passing fad — I believe it just may stick around for a while. All kidding aside (which, as you know, is hard for me), the Internet as a means to share information is truly a wonderful media.

  • Mea Culpa

    My sophomoric affection for April Fool’s humor goes back a long, long way. There is something just delicious to me about a whole day dedicated to folks being mischievous. As most of you now know, last Friday, April 1st, we sent out our annual annals of foolishness.

  • March, Not Such Madness

    Without a doubt, I am a big sports fan. I am not sure if my Y-chromosome insures that in some way or another, but the fact remains. (I don’t own a 42″ TV set to watch Antiques Roadshow!) But for some reason, I have never been a big fan of the Big-Dance.

  • Watch a Good Work

    At an unholy hour Thursday morning, I will begin a pilgrimage to Chicago. The reason? Yours truly, along with Woodworker’s Journal field editor Chris Marshall and regular contributor George Vondriska, will be building a guitar this weekend, live on the Craftsman Experience.

  • Sharing the Shop

    “Hey, Rob, do you think I could make some stools from these?” was the question posed to me last November while I stood next to the young man’s pickup truck in the church parking lot.

  • Weather or Not

    Last week, those of us here on the tundra were treated to temperatures as high as 50 degrees Fahrenheit – for several days in a row. I saw fellow Minnesotans wearing shorts under their parkas, and my black and white spotted pointer became mostly brown from the mud puddles that she joyfully played in. Smiles were everywhere, and you could almost hear the collective snap, crackle and pop of winter-jaws unclenching and permanently hunched shoulders relaxing.